
Water Damage | Flood Damage | Storm Damage | Mold Damage

Written by joe suskind | Oct 13, 2019 12:37:30 AM

If you are a resident of South Florida and have been through a hurricane or two, then you know what it’s like to wait out the worst of the heavy rain and gale-force winds in a shelter, inside a bathroom or closet in your home. Usually, after a devastating storm like Hurricane Irma or Hurricane Michael, flooding is a major concern. Just take a look at the flooding and devastation that Hurricane Dorian recently left in the Bahamas. It goes without saying that in extreme cases such as that one, there may be no way to prepare for the worst because storms of that caliber are often unpredictable. Although meteorologists try to be accurate, a storms behavior, as do so many things in nature, may take us by surprise. However, there are ways to ensure that your home is protected before a storm rears its ugly head.  Although no one can predict what devastation a storm will leave in its wake if you’re “lucky” enough to be in the cone of concern, then there are a few ways that you can be more prepared before a big one hits:  

  • First, you’ll want to check your homeowner’s policy to see what your water damage coverage includes. You might consider hiring a private adjuster to help you understand your coverage and the confusing language that often plagues property insurance agreements. United Claims Specialists is a great choice.  Our residential public adjusters in South Florida have years of experience dealing with the insurance companies, and we know how to get you a fair settlement if you suffer any damage or loss to your home after a storm. 
  • Is your home in a flood zone? If so, you are required by FEMA to purchase separate flood insurance since it’s not typically covered by your homeowner’s policy. Chances are that if you are a first-time homeowner in South Florida, you may not know that flooding is considered separate from water damage, which is why a second policy is needed. Even if you’re not in a flood zone, it’s a great idea to have the coverage anyway. On the bright side, this coverage is relatively inexpensive.  A residential public adjuster in South Florida can help you make sense of your homeowner’s and flood insurance policies.   
  • It’s also a great idea to have your roof inspected BEFORE the threat of a storm. Loose flying tiles can act as a catapult in a storm, and small holes that have gone undetected might leave you with a wet and moldy situation inside your home. You probably already know that South Florida roofs are susceptible to wear from sun, rain and storm exposure over time. That’s why your insurance company might claim a preexisting condition if you file a claim for damages. A call to United Claims Specialists is the fastest way to help sort that out. 

With hurricane season already in full swing and one major storm under our belt, it’s good to know you can trust a residential public adjuster in South Florida Like United Claims Specialists to help you process and negotiate any insurance claims that may arise. We’ve reviewed over one thousand claims, and our team combined has decades of experience helping people just like you get fair settlements from insurance companies. Whether you’re looking for information or to file a claim, call us today at (855) 321-5677. We are here 24/7, happy and ready to take your call.