
Fire Hazards You’re Living with Right Now | United Claims Specialists

Written by JS | Mar 3, 2017 1:47:15 PM

The one thing you don’t want is a visit from your Miami public adjustor. It might be necessary at some point, but there are a few risk factors you can try to eliminate form your home to ensure that you don’t have a fire hazard on your hands. Today we’re going  to take a look at seven of the most common fire hazards that are hidden right inside your home, and right under your nose.

Advice from your Miami Public Adjustor: Watch out For these Fire Hazards

Fire hazards can be hidden all over your home; we’re going to go over seven of the most common so that you can keep yourself safe and your home intact:

Faulty Wiring

Wiring in our homes is hidden from view; it’s sort of out of sight and out of mind, to put it lightly. That being said, you should always check to ensure that your home isn’t at risk. Did you know that more than 50,000 homes perish every single year as the result of faulty wiring? Sometimes it isn’t the initial installation, but rather actions that a homeowner takes afterwards, such as placing a screw in a wall or hanging a mirror that causes breakage.

Solution: Replace your standard outlets with those equipped with fault circuit interrupters (also known as a GFI switch)


Cluttered Kitchen

This is a real problem, and you might not think that kitchen clutter is a fire hazard, but it is. From pot holders sitting near heat sources, to residue caked onto the stove, you have a lot of potential problems that you absolutely need to watch out for.

Solution: Keep your kitchen free of clutter and constantly wipe down your stove.


Lint Traps

It is important for you to make sure that you are cleaning your lint trap each and every time you use your dryer – failing to do so could create a serious fire hazard. In addition to that, it can build up inside the dryer cabinet, directly influencing the heating element at the back.

Solution: Clean the link trap and the dryer cabinet regularly.



We never really consider sawdust to be a threat, but guess what: it’s flammable. If you’re renovating or working on a project, then at some point you have probably generated sawdust and with that being the case, you’re going to need to make sure that your work areas are properly and thoroughly cleaned. It’s a bit of a chore, but if you want to make it a little bit easier, you just need to get a vacuum designed for combustible dust.

Solution: Constantly clean your work area and avoid using compressed air for sawdust as this can push the dust into the air.



If you’ve never seen the inside of an electrical outlet then there’s a good chance you don’t know it uses blades. These blades loosen over time, and you’re probably going to notice that cords start to fall out easily. Sure, it’s a nuisance, but it’s also a fire hazard.

Solution: Replace your outlets as soon as you start to notice that plugs no longer fit properly and start to fall out.


Old Appliances

We get it, you got a good deal on an appliance, but they were designed based on some very old safety standards – they could be damaged and you would never know it until they caused a fire. That sounds pretty bad, but it can be avoided.

Solution: Have your appliances rewired and stick with modern appliances where you can.


Fire hazards are all around you, and if you don’t want to have to explain it to a public adjuster in Miami, try to keep your home safe, and most importantly, get rid of the fire hazards. There are a ton of little things you can do to make sure that your home remains safe, and this list is only the tip of the iceberg.

In the even your home does suffer from a fire, however, make sure you give us a call firstbefore your insurance company. We’ll survey the damage, make a report, and get you ready to face your insurance company with confidence. You are owned compensation – make sure you get it.